Windows 10 IoT Core: From the Embedded Device to the Cloud and Back

Toradex - Embedded World - 2016

Today’s powerful and dedicated devices are successfully replacing PCs. They offer more dependable, inexpensive and less power-consuming solutions. To deal with current requirements about rich user interfaces, connectivity, and security, embedded developers require tools that will be more productive, while offering reliable and scalable solutions. Windows 10 IoT can run on resource-constrained devices, providing a good share of the features that Windows 10 provides on PCs, smartphone and tablets. This will let existing PC and mobile developers migrate their existing solutions easily and apply their knowledge to the embedded domain. Using Visual Studio, developers can use the same development environment from the device to the cloud, and use popular languages (like C# and javascript), tools and technologies to develop end-to-end Internet of Things solutions.

If you find this discussion interesting, join Valter Minute for his speaker session on ‘Windows 10 IoT Core: From the Embedded Device to the Cloud and Back’ during the Embedded World 2016. Valter is a Microsoft MVP who works for Toradex AG, Switzerland. He is a published author of numerous technical articles and a book about Raspberry Pi, along with being a regular speaker at developer conferences.

Session/Workshop: Session 08

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