Webinar: Introduction to Windows 10 IoT Core

The release of Windows® 10 marks the first time in history that the Windows operating system will be simultaneously used across the entire range of computing platforms. From mobile phones to PCs and from Xbox™ to small embedded ARM® devices, each of these devices will use Windows® 10 with the same exact driver specification. Join our next webinar to learn all about the Windows 10 IoT Core including its use cases, advantages, and limitations compared to other solutions. We will also familiarize you with the Visual Studio™ 2015 development experience. For more information on the Webinar and registration details check out this link: https://www.toradex.com/webinars/introduction-to-windows-10-iot-core

Presenter: Daniel Lang, CTO, Toradex Inc.

Date and Time: Thursday, January 21, 2016 09:00 - 10:00 (CEST) & 10:00 - 11:00 (PST)

Introduction to Windows 10 IoT Core

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