Webinar: Creating IoT applications with Toradex and Microsoft Azure


Join our next joint webinar with Microsoft. We will present a technical demonstration of the development of a robust and scalable IoT solution. The Toradex system on modules enable the development of embedded platforms that meet the most common requirements for IoT such as low power consumption, long life, compact form factor, 24/7 operation capability, etc. In this webinar, we will demonstrate the development of the IoT scenario; using Toradex’s Azure IoT Certified Colibri VF61, an embedded computer module featuring the NXP® Vybrid processor, including how to write a quick application that communicates with Microsoft Azure consolidated data using Microsoft PowerBI. Visit our webinar page to grab your free registration for the webinar.

Date and Time: Thursday, July 21, 2016 03:00PM - 04:00PM (BRT)


  • Leonardo Graboski Veiga, Toradex Brasil.
  • Waldemir Cambiucci, Diretor do Microsoft MTC Brasil

  • Venue: Online Webinar

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